A Parish Family
Our parish is composed of three churches in 3 communities which together form Saint Michael’s Roman Catholic Parish: Saint Aloysius Church at the corner of Green Street and Division Alley, Ralston; Saint John Nepomucene Church, 133 Exchange Street, Troy; and Saint Michael the Archangel Church, 107 North Washington Street, Canton. I hope you enjoy this introduction to our Parish. We would love to have you join us!
St. Michael’s Parish Mission Statement
“As members of the parish community of Saint Michael, Saint John, and Saint Aloysius, we are rooted in a relationship with Jesus Christ passed on to Our Holy Father and in communion with our Bishop. We joyfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and his real presence in the Eucharist. We serve the Lord through acts of faith, hope and charity by the graces given through the Sacraments. It is our intention to carry out this mission so that we may be the face of Jesus Christ in the world.”
Our Parish Activities include:
- Eucharistic Adoration in Saint Michael’s Church every Wednesday after the 5:30 pm Mass until 7 pm and First Fridays following the 7 am Mass until 7 pm. (During Lent, Holy Hour is replaced with Stations of the Cross.)
- Holy Day Masses as scheduled
- Stations of the Cross during Lent
- The Light is ON for You during Lent
- Advent & Lenten Penance Services
- Saint Francis Blessing of the Animals
- Mardis Gras, Saint Patrick and Saint Nicholas parties
- May Crowning & May Devotions
- Fellowship in St. Michael’s Church hall following the 9:30 am Sunday Mass
- Graduation breakfast each Spring
- Vacation Bible School
- Basket Bingo, Christmas Bazaar, Chili Cook-off, and Apple & Cheese/Pumpkin Festival Fruit Pie Sales
- Altar & Rosary Societies Harvest Dinners in October
- Knights of Columbus breakfasts and dinners at various times through the year.
In addition to our regularly scheduled events, we have many special activities for Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter, which may be found in the weekly bulletins. If you would like to receive the bulletin electronically, e-mail the parish office and ask that you be added to the weekly e-mail distribution list.