Lord Jesus Christ, you are the meaning of the world and of human life. You are the goal of all our desires, the satisfaction of all our longings, and the end of all our work. Help us seek and find you in all that we do. May we be faithful disciples and responsible stewards of all your gifts. May our gifts of time, talent, and treasure reflect the fact that we are grateful for what you have given to us. As individuals and parishes who are prayerfully discerning Our Call to Serve this year, may we always remember that Jesus came so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. We know that when we work together our diocese can do what no individual or parish can do on its own, and we ask You to look with favor over us as we seek to respond anew to the great physical and spiritual needs of so many in our midst. Grant us the spirit of true Christian Stewardship so we may carry out Your Mission. Watch over and continue to bless the Church of Scranton in the weeks and months ahead. We ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.